No doubt you've seen New York mag's Fashion Week food diaries by now. And if you're anything like us (or like some other blogs), you marveled at the decidedly, er, minimalist intake of Elle Fashion-News Director and Accessories Editor—and onetime Project Runway judge!—Anne Slowey. Anne managed to make it through Fashion Week on, basically, packets of Emergen-C, grande iced skim lattes, and three olives. We aren't even really exaggerating; lady is restrained. As an experiment, we decided to see how our eating habits stacked up to Anne's. Gawker Editor Emily Gould, whose dignity is pretty much 100% gone already, volunteered to contrast her daily grazing with Anne's. The results will probably not surprise anyone.

7:30 A.M. Home
Two 1,000-mg. Emergen-C with seven mineral ascorbates and 32 mineral complexes, one ounce of Super KMH, Mona Vie (berry extract), aloe juice, chlorophyll, two Nature's Way Fenu-Thyme, one advance natural FloroMax, three Wellness Formula tablets, twenty drops Super Lysine Plus, two Theraveda Usha daytime stress formula tablets.

6:45 A.M., Home
Black tea with soy milk. Instant oatmeal. I already know this will be the healthiest thing I eat all day.

10:30 Sant Ambroeus
Milanese eggs and iced skim latte.

7:45 Office
Starbucks soy latte. Valleywag editor Chris Mohney arrives in the office for the first time in a while, looking tanned and relaxed. Why? We are trained not to ask questions. What matters is that he has brought TWO DOZEN Krispy Kremes with him. "I had a coupon," he claims. He is trying to get us to like him or something. It works. Donut.

2:00 P.M. Patrik Ervell
Bottle of water and glass of white wine.

9:30 Office
I have an egg and sausage on english muffin sandwich to prevent me from eating another donut.

3:00 Waiting for the United Bamboo Show

10:00 Office
Another donut.

4:00 Waiting for the Diane Von Furstenberg Show

2:00 P.M. Office
I'm feeling sick from the donutty morning so I get a salad from Olives (no cheese even!) and a roll with butter. I have embarked on a new diet for life.

6:00 Waiting for the Phillip Lim Show

3:00 Office
Josh Stein from Gridskipper comes back from Balthazar with a mini-cheesecake and gives it to me. For no reason! I eat half of it, just to be polite. Okay, 3/4 of it. After forcefeeding a bite to Doree, I put the rest in the fridge.

7:00 Waiting for the Tuleh Show

3:30 Office
Water. HA.

8:30 At a Friend's London Terrace Apartment Watching TV
Two glasses of red wine, Camembert and crackers, three olives during Prince's Super Bowl halftime performance.

The rest of my food diary takes place in the future, but I predict that the remainder of the cheesecake will get eaten, and also maybe some sushi or ramen for dinner. And it won't be in the ridiculous housing project boastfully called "London Terrace." Really, Anne.

The Fashion Week Food Diaries [NYMag]