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Though video sharing site Veoh would desperately love to get some Youtube-level attention, they can't even get it via copyright infringement. CNET darkly titles this Veoh article "A new copyright battlefield," based primarily on Veoh's offer to host long-form video (like whole TV shows and movies!). All they can find is a straight-to-video Disney movie (since removed) and a soccer match. However, searching on "daily show" or "colbert report" reveals a few dozen clips, all undisturbed on Veoh for months. But even the most popular of these clips has been viewed less than 50,000 times — a pittance in Youtube views. A telling remark from Viacom spokesman: "We allocate our resources based on where we think the most harm is being done ... We haven't focused on Veoh at this point." Veoh isn't doing any harm, but that means they're also not doing much doog.