It's Renovation Day on the web! Esquire, that bastion of middlebrow entertainment for men who need at least three beers before they'll go queer, has a shiny new site that appears to offer plenty of current content along with archives. Also, you get up-to-the-moment assessment of Britney Spears from noted Spears expert Chuck Klosterman; distressingly, it's actually pretty good. At the other end of the ledger, Kurt Andersen, who once edited something called, hmm, Sly? No wait, Spy, maybe? Anyway, he's blogging!

That's right, in advance of the publication of his new novel Heyday ( a rollicking adventure in which one of the characters is a daguerreotypist, if that gives you any idea), Kurt Andersen—the man who invented both snark and David Carr—has started getting all MySpace at his pretty digs, after an 18-year (or something) absence from the art form. Today's topic: David Geffen holds a grudge. Who knew? The more the merrier, we say. (Do we say that?)

Finally, old-school blogger and recent New York emigrant Uncle Grambo has had some work done on Whatevs, the site that, back in 2004, taught us all so much about the value of Amanda Bynes' boobies. Do stop by.

Kurt Andersen
PREVIOUSLY: Gawker's slightly nutty Kurt Andersen obsession