'Post' Pushes Problematic Political Poll

So that poll that the Post touts on its cover today? Pretty interesting, given what seemed to be the national mood during the recent elections. Still, you can't argue with an impartial survey of the American people, right? We want to thank Public Opinion Strategies, the firm that conducted the poll, for clearing things up. Also, we'd like to learn a little more about them. Like, what's on their home page right now?
11.08.06 — PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES MOURNS REPUBLICAN LOSSES, CONGRATULATES MANY INDIVIDUAL WINNERS IN TOUGH RACES The Republican polling firm of Public Opinion Strategies (POS) polled for the only freshman Republican U.S. Senator, one new Governor, and five new members of Congress. Overall, the firm polled for four winning U.S. Senate races, six winning GOP Governors, at least 46 Members of Congress, as well as numerous downticket statewide and legislative winners.
Oh, and one of their co-founders is one of the "Republican Party's leading political strategists." Ah. That might explain questions in the survey like "[W]hich one of the following would do most to hurt America's reputation as a world power... To pull our troops out of Iraq immediately ...or... To leave our troops in Iraq for as long as it takes to restore order?" Guess it's all in the way you ask.