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Pinkberry! Ever since we first heard that the West Coast haute froyo chain would soon be colonizing Manhattan, Jamba Juice-steez, we've been waiting with bated breath to see how our town's Tasti gals would handle the transition. Would the ladyfolk cotton to the new lo-cal dessert on the block? Well, word on the street (or at least, in our inbox) is that Pinkberry is some Pink Bullshit.

Last night, I stopped into the relatively new pinkberry on 8th avenue and 17th or 18th street - I didn't want to decide between the 2 flavors so I asked for both. She said they weren't allowed to do that and that they only had the swirl in a 10 oz container for like $7. There was NO ONE in the store with me and it was 18 degrees. So I left. Apparently they would rather not sell than give 2 flavors instead of one. They will never conquer Tasti - d. This is so not New York.

Agree? Disagree? Oh, please, let us know! We've a hankering for something frosty that won't exacerbate our muffin top.

Pinkberry Rising [Eater]