Tired Of Being Known As 'That Gay Guy Renee Zellweger Was Married To For Five Minutes,' Kenny Chesney Announces He's Straight

Kenny Chesney is widely credited with starting the "overly-groomed country radio guy of indeterminate sexuality that no one has ever really heard of marrying A-list Hollywood actress" trend currently sweeping the industry. He recently told 60 Minutes (in an upcoming, very special, "We Have Officially Run Out of Interview Subjects" episode), that the "fraud" Renee Zellweger listed as the reason she requested an annulment after four months of marriage to him had nothing to do with any lack on his part of a healthy appetite for the ladies:
"It's not true. Period. Maybe I should have come out and said, `No, I'm not (gay),' but I didn't want to draw any more attention to it," the 38-year-old country singer says. "... I didn't have to prove to anybody that I wasn't (gay). I didn't feel like I really did."
Frankly, any lingering doubts on our end were put to rest with the (female) Southwest Airlines attendant who regaled her cabin with tales of Chesney's sexual prowess. But with this "No, Renee Zellweger did not turn me that way" interview, the final nail has been hammered into the ugly-gay-rumor coffin, and Chesney can finally move on to what he does best: Playing country music and showing off his buff, hairless body in sleeveless Abercrombie and Fitch T-shirts, crotch-hugging jeans, and receding-hairline-camouflaging cowboy hats.