'Dreamgirls' Team Embracing Nontraditional Marketing Opportunities During Oscar Crunchtime

The peace of a Torrington, Connecticut multiplex was shattered Monday night, when an audience in the process of being vaguely disappointed by a 7:00 p.m. showing of Dreamgirls was suddenly jarred out of its immersively underwhelming cinematic experience by the unexpected intrusion of an out-of-control SUV barreling through the wall of the theater. The establishment's owner was predictably shocked by the unplanned intermission:
"I never thought it'd be here in the theater, especially while the show's running and a couple people are in here watching Dreamgirls. It was just surreal shock," said theater owner Robert Sadlon.
Police charged the driver, 46-year-old Diletta Squires, with driving under the influence.
The disconcerting surreality of the scene was only deepened for the stunned theater owner when the vehicle's visibly inebriated and despondent driver entered the theater through the gaping hole she'd just created, loudly identified herself as a DreamWorks publicist "just trying to get the word out about the acting performances in our little movie," then slurred "Little Miss Sunshine for Besht Picture? Rrrrreally?" before collapsing in his arms. The police officer on the scene later broke the bad news that there were no Academy voters in attendance at the screening.