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Philip Rosedale compared Second Life to a drug-induced high, but he's not the first to make that comparison. From Adam Pasick's interview with Linden Lab chairman Mitch Kapor:

I do think Second Life can be a mind altering experience — Second Life, SL, LSD ... maybe not an accident! When you're in Second Life and you're having a mixed reality event — the first one that did it for me was the Suzanne Vega concert, and I saw the movie that was made. I'm watching a movie that was shot on a computer of a concert with a virtual avatars, but the real music, with other people in and around and watching it. I'm going, what's real, what's virtual, and I realized those distinctions were artificial. It's all just as real, it's all just as virtual. And I felt like the walls dropped away, and the universe which has been a small room got a million times larger.

And then I saw the face of God, only He was a chick, and we made love, okay? And I didn't even need to purchase a genital attachment.