Watch the above video if you must — D7TV's Sarah Meyers hits this past weekend's party for "natural language" search engine Powerset. Best quotes:

Girl 1: (gestures grandly) Powerset is going to transform the search industry. (uncertain pause) I was told to say this.
Meyers: They were telling me that the Internet is going to be like a person.
Girl 1: YES!!!
Meyers: But you know? I don't really believe that Powerset's going to be a like a person. (turns to other girl) Do you think it's going to be like a person?
Girl 2: (befuddled) No ... (more strongly) NO!

Actually, no, wait — here's the best quote, from comments at Techcrunch:

I am a VC who has invested $100,000 in PowerSet and am desperately worried.

Maybe Powerset will be like a person who drinks a little too much sometimes.