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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you witnessed Ryan O'Neal's last carefree moments at Mastro's before...the incident.

In today's episode, chock full of Oscar nominees and winner: Leonardo DiCaprio; Nicole Kidman; Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett; David Faustino; Peter Falk; Dustin Hoffman; Drew Barrymore; John Krasinski and Rashida Jones; David Caruso; Wanda Sykes and Tim Bagley; Jimmy Fallon; Stockard Channing; Frankie Muniz; Lance Bass; Jenna Jameson and Tito Ortiz; Kathy, Rick and Conrad Hughes Hilton.

· Like an angel sent from heaven to console me over the loss of Anna Nicole, none other than Mr. Double Nominee himself, Leonardo DiCaprio, appeared in the gray, dreary halls of NBC today. Think he must be pitching his green town reality show idea. My coworker first spotted him WAITING in the suite of the alternative department. (How can the person who put on "1 vs. 100" keep LEO waiting??) The front lobby guard is calling us when he leaves so we can watch him walk out of the building. I suspect he came in the blue Prius in guest parking.

· Was exiting the Santa Monica Laemmle and noticed a gaunt blonde with a nondescript nerd in front of me as we crossed the street to the parking structure. Waiting at the elevator, it wasn't until some Day of the Locust dude walks up and asks said Gaunt One: "Hey aren't you Nicole Kidman." She laughs and says 'Yes' as Nerdboy takes her by the elbow, eschewing the elevator ride with Son of Sam and myself. P.S., Nicole and her Dude and I had taken in Peter O'Toole's "Venus."

· Saw Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett at Mastro's Steak House on Friday night (yes the night of his arrest) I was seated with my brother down stairs, the section devoted to Siberian Carnival Freaks when Farrah and Oliver Barret emerged from a back room, they literally did a conga line through the restaurant to the bathroom upstairs. Farrah looked her age while Ryan looked about 49 due to all the Teflon he has on his grill. We had the Dynamite Cab, I would not recommend it.

Saturday saw David Faustino at the Bar at the Sunset Marquis he was with a gorilla in a large leather jacket, he kept circling the tiny bar and continually whispered in the ear of Magilla Gorilla. Don't know what they were talking about. I had Ketal One on the rocks, I would recommend it.

Sunday, beautiful day, I was driving around in Beverly Hills trying to kill some time before my flight when who did I spot out for his morning constitution but Peter Falk. For someone who was exercising he was dressed pretty funny, slacks and a weird pink shirt. Since I've always been a big fan of his I yelled "Hey Columbo" for some reason he didn't respond. I had a large bottle of Poland Spring, Again I would recommend it.

· 2/7 around 11:30 am - Dustin Hoffman in front of Club Monaco [ed. note: No mention of which, but we're going with Sunset Plaza] yapping away on his cell phone.

· Wednesday, Feb 7th 1:00pm - Saw Drew "Stroke free" Barrymore at the Hollywood Whole Foods Market. Looked like she was grabbing some lunch. She was rockin' a serious 80's retro mod look with her little black mini-shift dress and the white Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses. She looked adorable. Wanted to give her much respect for indulging a nerd's dream/obsession in "My Date With Drew" but alas, I restrained myself. She has GOT to be the nicest person in Hollywood because I cannot imagine any other actor/actress giving that guy the time of day. Good Karma Drew!!!!!

· Dining at Joan's on Third Super Bowl Sunday around 2, outside my friend and I were seated a table over from Jim [John Krasinski] & his on-screen love interest (the dark haired girl from Stamford) [Rashida Jones] from NBC's THE OFFICE. No big deal at first, but they left prancing across the street to a way hip hybrid Lexus SUV and started a quick little makey outtie for at least a long minute. So much for the fiction of it all.

· Delayed celebrity sighting - Wednesday of last week (1/31) I think - David Caruso walking out of a trendy art store across the street from the Pacific Design Center. He was followed by a man carrying Caruso's latest purchase, a Warhol print of Mao Tse-Tung. I am not sure how the rather large print was going to fit in his rather small car, and did not stick around to find out.

· Yesterday I was at Marix in the afternoon and I saw tim bagley and wanda sykes eating together inside. They were having margs, as one should always do on Taco Tuesday, and were there for quite some time before I got there (empty glasses), and left at the same timeish as we did (which was after a couple of hours). They took a pic with a little girl who looked like she was from out of town with her family.

· Tuesday 2/6, Formosa Cafe. Jimmy Fallon was milling around in a large party. He's really surprising in person because a) he's not a midget—he's tall for an actor—and b) he's sort of cute. My friend and I were arguing about whether one of us should go up and punch him in the face for laughing through every sketch he's ever been in...and then we wondered how many times that has happened to him because of Family Guy.

· Wednesday, 2/7 10AM - Saw "Rizzo" herself, Stockard Channing, on Main St in Santa Monica talking on her cell. Wearing all black and looking like she could use a vacation (*ahem* very tired). She finished her call and went into GroundWorks and waited in line behind me.

· Sightings at the West Hollywood Equinox are a dime a dozen, so I won't bore you with a rundown. However, last week I was going through my usual routine when I looked over at the next machine and thought "what's my 12 year old neighbor doing here unaccompanied by an adult?" When he turned around, I noticed the back of his sleeveless tee was emblazoned "Muniz." The kid is small, not in the usual smaller than I expected way (Cruise?), but seriously little. I don't think the Mohawk is helping to butch up the look at all either. If I were Frankie, I'd give Danny Bonaduce a call to get hooked up with 'roids and human growth hormone.

· 2/8/207 I was lunching today at Luna Park on La Brea. Lance Bass was there with two friends, a cute young man and an older sister looking type. They were very polite and kept to themselves. He looked good, very casual. Looks better in person than he does pictures, for sure.

· Friday 2/2 Tito Ortiz and Jenna Jameson doing some serious shopping(3 baskets were already full) at Sephora in South Coast Plaza. He is tall, nice and has a gorgeous smile. She on the other hand looked a mess, no makeup, stringy hair, leathery tan skin and scowled the whole time. She scowled even more and wandered away when we asked Tito for a picture(in our defense it was South Coast Plaza and we probably only got this sighting because he's an OC kid).

· On the 9:30 America West flight from Las Vegas to LAX on 2/5 I had the unfortunate opportunity to sit behind the youngest Hilton son. As Diane Court said, I have glimpsed our future, and all I can say is... go back. There is simply nothing worse than sitting behind a rich, pathetic 12 year old [Conrad Hughes Hilton]. While his parents Kathy and Rick were sitting in first class, young Mr. Hilton was sitting in the bulkhead seating, using his multiple electronic devices during take-off and landing (take that FAA regulations!) and at one point, lifted his legs and announced he was going to fart...sadly, he did. That though doesn't top when he announced that his friend, who was sitting next to him, was masturbating as soon as the lights turned off. Some how, he persuaded the flight attendant to give him pretzels which he graciously threw on the floor because, hey, he doesn't have to clean it up. His feet smelled as did he. I've never been so happy to see a flight come to an end. He was happy, because he got to take his brand new Playstation 3, and exit a plane full of commoners.