• Melissa Lafsky gets her chilly paws on an actual! print! copy! of Radar, and finds that our new helmsman is represented within. Also within: a timeline about cocaine, and a guide to which celebs have "Inner Fatties." We're drooling like Tinsley Mortimer over a burger. [ETP]
  • News Corp earnings fell 24% from last year. But we're sure Page Six The Magazine will change all that! [NYT]
  • Not to mention the Fox Business Channel, set to launch in late 2007. [Reuters]
  • Google et al warn that Youtube et al could "bring the internet to its knees." [Reuters]
  • Slate apologizes (again) for the fabricated "monkeyfishing" story. [FishbowlNY]
  • Our anchorman boyfriend Brian Williams got a little hot under the collar when he was told a segment he wanted to run was too long, NBC staffers whisper. [Radar]