Looking At The Look Book: Eric Harvey Brown

Eric Harvey Brown is an art production designer who lived in Jersey City before it was cool. He maintains that ladies love his Civil War reenactor beard. And when asked to describe his style, he comes back with, "Like what I wear and how I hold myself and stuff?" After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Susan Prekel, Chris Regan, and Elon James White, who went way too easy on him.
Susan Prekel, comic and writer
According to Eric, "ladies tend to like" the beard. What kind of ladies?
The ladies who like Eric's beard are a group known as the legally blind.
Where will Eric live when the "Williamsburgizing" of Jersey City
pushes him out?
Eric will have to move to the mean streets of the Upper East Side where he can avoid encounters with the "fashion-conscious people" infiltrating Jersey City who threaten his precious misconception that he is the only guy who ever thought to don some cords and throw a Nikon around his neck.
Does Eric's jacket have bedbugs?
Yes, Eric's Donnie Brasco jacket was infested with bedbugs and they have probably invaded his home by now. Contrary to what many SVA students tell each other over PBRs, bedbugs are a big deal. What Eric
needs to do is e-mail his friends a picture of his apartment and say, "Figure out how I should get rid of the bedbugs and I'll shave off my beard."
According to Eric, "ladies tend to like" the beard. What kind of ladies?
Ladies with an "I (Heart) My English Sheepdog" bumper sticker on their car.
Where will Eric live when the "Williamsburgizing" of Jersey City pushes him out?
He can get something cheap in Deadwood probably.
Does Eric's jacket have bedbugs?
Yes, and occasionally they meet at his ascot for a rumble with the mustache lice.
According to Eric, "ladies tend to like" the beard. What kind of ladies?
I'm thinking ladies who like smoked meat. Ladies who like the possibility of lice when they lay down with their man. The kind that like to occasionally go protest cruelness against bugs and have a special type of relationship with patchouli oil.
Where will Eric live when the "Williamsburgizing" of Jersey City
pushes him out?
Maybe he'll go live with one of those smoked meat eating ladies who most likely have a log cabin in Vermont. Admittedly he wouldn't have the same access to NYC, but really, does he need it? That's a beard
made for the axing of pine trees. His Arts organization project can be rejected with him living anywhere.
Does Eric's jacket have bedbugs?
No, but I'm fairly sure it has some sort of scent. Gin & disappointment maybe.
Look Book: Eccentrically-Bewhiskered Art Production Designer Eric Harvey Brown [NYMag]