Some bad news for The Steamroller:

The Democratic-led State Assembly dealt a setback today to Gov. Eliot Spitzer by agreeing to elect Assemblyman Thomas P. DiNapoli as the next state comptroller, reneging on a deal it made with the governor to choose only from candidates deemed qualified by an outside screening panel. The decision was a slap aimed squarely at Governor Spitzer..."

Now, this isn't yet a done deal (or at least was not as of the time we wrote it), but if it happens, it'll be interesting to see how the Governor plays it: Act contrite and wait for the right moment to get Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver in a dark alley, or come out all De Niro-in-The Untouchables? We'd recommend the former course of action; Shelly knows his De Niro pretty well.

N.Y. Assembly Democrats Settle on Comptroller [NYT]

Earlier: Shelly Silver: "I Got Some Bad Ideas In My Head"