We've yet to see this statement anywhere else, but it gives an interesting perspective into the Times chairman's current plans for the future.

Given the constant erosion of the printed press, do you see the New York Times still being printed in five years?
"I really don't know whether we'll be printing the Times in five years, and you know what? I don't care, either," he says. He's looking at how best to manage the transition from print to Internet. ...The New York Time is on a journey, Sulzberger says, and its end will be the day the company decides to stop printing the paper. That will be the end of the transition.

Asked about the bridge column, Sulzberger noted that he didn't "give a fuck what we'll do with the bridge column; you can shove it up your ass for all I care." The Times chief then added "RAARRRH!" and stormed out of the room, destroying several dry-erase boards in the process.

Arthur Sulzberger, on life in the Internet age [Haaretz]