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If we learned anything on Saturday night, it's that wearing four-inch heels induces its own version of vertigo — meaning you still feel like you're wearing them forty-eight hours after you took them off. The shoes in question were promptly thrown out of the window of Editorial Assistant Heather's apartment upon her return home; the event that she - accompanied by Gawker point-camera-make-clicky guy Nikola Tamindzic — attended them in was the Rock & Republic show afterparty at Hiro Ballroom. Also in attendance? Lady Sovereign's drum kit, Russell Simmons, some Romanian aristocracy, the arsitocracy's cat and the cat's nanny. It was that kind of party.
Enjoy our gallery of moderate debauchery, or Nikola's extended album of party people. It'll be just like you were there, feeling almost attractive/fashionable/wasted with us.

Fashion Week: Rock & Republic Afterparty @ Hiro Ballroom [photos]