Time Inc. CEO Ann Moore to BusinessWeek's Jon Fine:

I am only here for another three years. I am going to be known for transforming Time Inc. For diversifying Time Inc. And I am going to be the person who leads the transformation, to make sure we are around for another 80 years.

We can think of a couple of other things she'll be remembered for. Fine, on the other hand, wonders if Moore is more victim than villain: her ascent occurred at the same time as the slow death of print began, Time Warner had plenty of other troubles, and, you know, that whole canning everybody thing. The piece ends with this assessment: "At a January conference where she promoted Time's digital initiatives, she conceded 'it will be hard work to balance print loss with online gains.' Trembling on that knife edge is the fate of her career." We wouldn't be too worried, then. If anyone knows how to handle a knife, it's Ann Moore.

Edgy Days At The Top Of Time Inc. [BusinessWeek]