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In rounding up some tales of difficult actors (and Paris Hilton) disrupting their movie sets (Chris Tucker thinks Rush Hour 3 actually has a script! Lindsay Lohan is moody now that she's sobering up! Paris Hilton has no short term memory!), today's Page Six shares this gem about the important extra-propositioning responsibilities of tail-chasing fauxteur Brett Ratner's trusty assistant:

On the same set, horndog director Brett Ratner "sends an assistant named Scott around to every female extra, collecting phone numbers in a too obvious, not-so-suave way," the source said. "Scott commands these $150-a-day actress-hopefuls to give him their phone numbers simply because 'the director wants it.' "

A rep for Ratner, who has dated Rebecca Gayheart and Serena Williams, said, "That's ridiculous. If Brett wants a phone number, he'll get it himself."

It's always nice when a flack's denial demonstrates that he or she really "gets" their client; rather than dismiss the story with something in the vein of, "Mr. Ratner is a consummate professional who treats a movie set as a temple, and would never desecrate it by sending an assistant to accost extras on his behalf," we're offered a defiant, "If Brett sees an extra he thinks he can talk into his trailer with an upgrade to 'featured' status, he'll stop in the middle of a scene, instruct the nearest AD, 'Hey, blow this shit up for me, daddy's gotta go to work,' then go sexually harass the young lady all by himself. He's always been a very hands-on director."