• Hey, ladies, Sheryl Crow reads the Wall Street Journal. Shouldn't you? [NYT]
  • Is Rebecca Dana going to the Times or is she staying at the Observer? [B&C]
  • "If the Times Co. planned to unload the Globe, they'd have done it before telling the world the paper wasn't actually worth all that much." [Boston Phoenix]
  • More Bartiromo analysis: If you let women into the financial services industry, of course guys are gonna try and fuck them. [MarketWatch]
  • TimesSelect will work until its current subscribers die, at which point there'll be no one left who has ever read it. [MediaPost]
  • The Tribune sale is never, ever, ever going to end. [AP]
  • Nikki Finke's no Dean Baquet fan. [LAWeekly]
  • Rupert Murdoch is a driven professional newspaper man. Also, evil. [Forbes]
  • "Insiders" are "abuzz" about the "complete diss" of "some guy" who didn't get an award at his company's picnic. [WWD]
  • Former Italian P.M. Silvio Berlusconi likes the ladies; is sorry for liking the ladies. [Guardian]