The Daily Politics posts a "a mass e-mail [from Governor Spitzer] to his campaign supporters on budget day, under the subject line "Our dialogue," summarizing his accomplishments on Day One through Day 31." What's fascinating about the missive is how much of it really sings with Spitzer's voice; clearly, this wasn't the work of some staffer. As we learned this morning, this is not a man who's shy about implementing his agenda:

Dear Friend,

We're now a month past Day One, and I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the steps we have taken to change everything. Of course, I don't have to share it with you - I can do whatever the fuck I want - but I'm in an expansive mood, so I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen.

Since Election Day, I have assembled a team of New York's best and brightest minds to help us solve the challenging problems facing our state. A lot of them didn't want to take the job - let's face it, who wants spend their days listening to the complaints of a bunch of yahoos in a drop forging factory in Utica - but when The Steamroller says jump, you don't just fucking jump, you get a big fucking ladder, climb to the top of it, ask me, "Is this high enough?" and then you bow to me and take the leap.

On January 1, I exercised my power as governor to institute strict and fundamental change within the executive branch. Now, interviewers are prohibited from asking a job applicant's party affiliation. Neither the lieutenant governor nor I will accept campaign contributions from our employees. Don't even try to give me money: you'll disappear quicker than the upstate industrial base. Government meetings will be broadcast on the internet, and all New Yorkers will be able to witness government decision-making via these webcasts. You got a problem with that? Boo fucking hoo. I'm Eliot Fucking Spitzer. I've got a giant cock and I will not hesitate to club you to death with it.

I outlined a broad agenda in my State of the State address, promoting "One New York," a state in which all New Yorkers are afforded the same opportunities: Opportunities to worship me. Gaze upon my steely jaw. Am I not truly a magnificent specimen, a man of fucking destiny? I am the Steamroller. Get in my way and I'll rip your rod off and fuck you with it while your women and children cower in the corner and beg for mercy.

And today I announced a budget that will deliver on the pledges I made in the State of the State, without raising taxes. This budget will reduce the inefficient and irresponsible spending that has been a hallmark of New York's economic decline. This will not make everyone happy, nor will these changes be easy. But you know what? I won in a fucking landslide. Bitch and moan all you want. You think I give a damn about a bitch? I ain't a sucker.

To succeed, I will need the help of a legislature open to reform. And when I say "help," I mean, "Bend over and take it like I tell you to." Don't make me turn you out like I did to that punk-ass motherfucker John Faso.

This is the first of a series of periodic e-mail updates I will be sending to you, to continue the dialogue we began while I was on the campaign trail - a dialogue that essentially involves me telling you what's going to happen and then you making it fucking happen. You don't like it, you can lick it. That's right, I just told you to suck my dick. I'm the fucking governor. I'm the fucking Steamroller. I am your lord and master, and the quicker you learn that the easier it's going to be for everyone.

Go fuck yourselves.

With best regards,

If you wish to unsubscribe from further e-mail communications, too fucking bad.

Spitzer thinks ahead [NYDN]

Earlier: Eliot Spitzer's James Taylor Fandom Leads To Misunderstanding