Lately, we'd found ourselves wondering whether broke-down songbird Britney Spears likes to drink alcohol. Luckily, Grub Street's reliably awesome Ask A Server column has finally answered that burning question, via their interview with Dirty Delta, a waitress at famed E. Vil drag queen restaurant Lucky Cheng's.

She brought all her dancers here, took her shoes off, looked like white trash — which I love her for. We have orgy bowls here that come on fire — it's a drink meant for five people. She drank three of them by herself, and she would not share with anybody. The dancers were at the bar. They say, "Don't get Britney one more drink." I go, "Baby I cannot cut Britney off unless she's passed out on the floor." And they go, "She wants tequila shots! Make a fake tequila shot. We have rehearsal at 9 a.m. in Jersey for a 60,000-seat arena." The next day she made it to the concert, but she busted her leg. And who's fault was it? Dirty Delta's, baby! Three orgy bowls and one tequila shot — the other five were fake, but ... It's your own fault, boo!

Oh, come on! Who among us hasn't checked off the "a drag queen had to serve me fake tequila shots" box on the "Do I have a problem?" questionnaire?

Dirty Delta of Lucky Cheng's Serves Orgy Bowls to Britney Spears [Grub Street]