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Yesterday, we guided you to an Eater LA post about how Food & Wine magazine had accidentally published a feature spoiling the winner of Season 2 of Top Chef, the results of which were supposed to be kept a secret until tomorrow's finale. Today, F&W's website posted an announcement claiming they had "prepared profiles of both Top Chef finalists in advance of the last episode so that we had a story on the winner ready to publish immediately after the season finale." You'd think Bravo would keep F&W more in the loop than the rest of the general population, but no matter: What follows is two stories, one about each of the show's finalists, Marcel Vigneron and Ilan Hall. We're still not going to be the ones to tell you whose appeared yesterday, and whose was probably filed at 4 a.m. by an annoyed junior staffer forced into the cover-up activity after editorial fielded several hysterical calls from Bravo execs insisting, "We don't care how the fuck you fix it, you recipe-filing morons, just fix it—unless you want to hear the words 'Top Chef 3: Brought to you by Bon Appétit' in your future!" If you read them both, however, be warned: It becomes overwhelmingly obvious which feels authentic and which feels desperately slapped together—almost as obvious as the gag-reflex-inducing qualities of a chocolate-covered chicken liver.