As if we didn't already have enough reasons to be fascinated by sexagenarian vixen-queen and soon-to-be Oscar winner Helen Mirren lately, an operative mails in this question:

On the cover of the new Los Angeles magazine with Helen Mirren on the cover, it looks like she has a tattoo on her hand. And that tattoo looks weirdly like the William Morris logo. Do you know if this is required of all clients?

Not knowing offhand which agency reps Mirren, we turned to Studio System, which reveals that it's CAA, not William Morris, with the rights to ten percent of her soul. While this fact would seem to eliminate the possibility that the mysterious* mark designates that she's currently the property of WMA, we offer another explanation of its purpose: it's intended as some sort of distress signal calling out to any sharp-eyed William Morris agent brave enough to risk his life liberating her from CAA's captivity.

[*Actually, not so mysterious if you have access to The Googles.]