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An accident on the downtown set of The Invasion, an updated, big-screen treatment of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, may have reaped untold whiplash damage on Hollywood's Highest Paid Actress™ Nicole Kidman. From

A Jaguar carrying the actress, her co-star, Jackson Bond and several crewmembers hit a pole and a garbage can after the driver towing the vehicle took a turn too quickly, witnesses tell Access. [...]

"All parties" were complaining of injuries, Police say.

Kidman walked away from the scene and was taken back to her on set trailer sources say. Shortly thereafter she was taken in a SUV to a hospital.

At least two stunt men believed to be playing zombies in the film, were on top of the car at the time of impact. It is not known if they were injured.

Studio protocol dictates that any movie set mishap first address the welfare of its A-list stars, followed by unknown child co-stars, stunt zombies, crew, and, whenever they can get to it, P.A.s. It may seem an unjust pecking order, until you consider the fact that Kidman's knee injury on the set of Moulin Rouge ended up costing $61 million in insurance claims, and her role in Panic Room. That's a figure that was sure to be echoing inside the skulls of Warner Bros.' executive bean counters and lawyers, who were probably too preoccupied with the fate of their delicate and accident-prone leading lady to worry about the status of the undead, brain-craving background players.