Today marks the debut of snarkiness-inventor turned stand-up comedienne Elizabeth Spiers's Dead Horse Media empire's girly blog, Fashionista. Like Spiers's stand-up, it's pretty impervious to our signature brand of joshing (Damn her! Did she build in that mechanism somehow?!) They've inaugurated a few promising recurring features — our favorite so far is Streetwalker, a street-snaps analysis that's better than 90% of all NY Mag Look Books by dint of these two quotes alone: "his giant gold Marc by Marc bag is both undeniably adorable and totally not okay" and "jeans that are skinny but somehow not anorexic." Even better is 'Deal or No Deal,' wherein fashion experts weigh in on whether a discounted item is worth its reduced price. The first one features the expertise of our fave punching baguette, Tinsley Mortimer:

"Buy those shoes! They were almost $400 so now [$179's] a great deal. They've got a rounded toe, which makes them very good for the season," followed by the rebuttal of someone who actually knows what she's talking about: "Don't do it. The rounded toe is already a little tired and the studs make them less chic." Snap diddly dap. To sum up: Fashionista!!! Not since Babble have we been this excited about adding a blog to our RSS feeds.

Now excuse us: we have an appointment with the dentist. You know, because we're toothless.