Dakota Fanning To Take Over Own Public Relations Responsibilites

Perhaps prompted to comment after being more psychologically scarred by Catholic League Righteous Outrage Coordinator William Donahue's conjuring of the image of the oral servicing of a statue of a tumescent Martin Luther King than by anything in the Sundance movie in which her character is controversially raped, 12-year-old thespian Dakota Fanning finally spoke out on the fading uproar over Hounddog:
Fanning said that even if she hadn't been in the movie, she would want to see it. And Kampmeier said two mothers approached her after the screening to say they planned to bring their 13-year-old daughters when it is shown in wider release. So far, the film has not been purchased for distribution.
"I know my mom would take me to see it," said Fanning, who turns 13 in February. "You have to prepare your children for things that happen in the world. Everything isn't rosy."
Maybe now that the preternaturally poised Fanning has successfully reframed Hounddog as a molestation-preparedness film, her handlers can now focus their energy on something more important: the campaign for the 2008 Best Actress Oscar nomination, beginning with the drafting of a full-page For Your Consideration ad in the trades containing the slogan: "No minors were harmed in the making of this movie, but because of Dakota Fanning's incredibly powerful performance, you'll believe they were."