Here's a nice little number that went out to People's stringers from News Editor Rob Howe in the wake of this morning's bloodbath. The good news: They're needed more than ever. Full, reassuring details after the jump.

Subject: Changes at People magazine
To all People magazine stringers:

Hello. As news spreads about changes at the magazine, I just wanted to touch base with all of you. I'm sure that by now you've read or heard that we are closing our domestic bureaus in Chicago, Miami, Austin and D.C. It's a huge change-one necessitated by shifts and growing pressures in the publishing industry. In the process we will lose some terrific reporters-close colleagues who have been with the magazine for years. I want to assure you that we will miss them all enormously, and that these decisions were extremely tough.

I would also like to reassure you. I'm told that many stringers have expressed concern, wondering whether they will still be needed. This answer is quite simple. Yes, absolutely. As we move towards amodel where journalists report and write their stories, your work will become even more valuable.

Our ambitions and goals haven't changed: We want to put out the best magazine we can, we want to cover a broad range of news and issues, and we want to touch readers and lives across the country. We value your work and professionalism, and we need your help.

Many thanks for listening.

Rob Howe
News Editor