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Less than 10 days after Heaven's Executive Producer beset the sleepy beachside town of Malibu with a conflagration that consumed the homes of our most cherished, late-70s sitcom ditzes, He once again expressed his displeasure with the community by blanketing it with a suffocating layer of frozen precipitation. Above: Upon experiencing the "snow" previously experienced only on Rockefeller Center Christmas specials or brief ski excursions to Mammoth, confused MILFs pull their Lexus SUVs to the side of the road to allow their children some unscheduled playtime with the foreign substance, willfully ignoring that the unexpected snowfall is a clear indication that God will soon initiate the long-awaited tectonic shift that will send Malibu sliding into the Pacific, probably while its shifting coast is pelted by a hail of flaming frogs.

[Photo: LAT]