But who's he diddling? Oh, right, the employees.

Well, the carnage is complete. Over 250 gone. Entire bureaus closed. No one left to fact-check The Ana Log. After the jump, Time Inc.'s John Huey surveys the damage.

Update: Bonus memoage from Ann Moore and Sports Illustrated's Terry McDonell.

January 18, 2007

To: All Time Inc. Edit Staff

From: John Huey

Re: Staff Announcement

Earlier today, Time Inc. announced layoffs that will eliminate significant numbers of editorial jobs across many of our titles. This is obviously a painful time for everyone-most especially those who are leaving their jobs involuntarily-but also for those who are staying on and saying goodbye to colleagues whom they value, even cherish.

In her talks within the company and with the press in recent months, Ann Moore has articulated the challenges that face our industry and our company, and she has made the convincing case that what we are doing now is essential to ensuring that our future will be as bright as our past.

It's important that we on the editorial side fully understand what that means-and what it doesn't mean. First, let me stress that these layoffs are not about performance of the individuals involved; the layoffs are about the restructuring of our editorial staffs as we move quickly into a future of flexible, multiplatform content creation. That means redesigning and rethinking much of what we do to ensure we are as efficient as possible. In some cases, that requires reassigning responsibilities among staffers. And unfortunately, in some cases that requires a leaner workforce.

We're not changing what we stand for at Time Inc., but we are changing much of what we do-and how we do it. Which leads me to what these changes do not mean. They do not mean that we are sacrificing the integrity of our journalism. They do not mean that we are less dedicated to the accuracy of what we report and write or that we are getting out of the print business. It is my hope, in fact, that we will see many exciting developments and investments in our core titles in the coming year.

Our editorial mission at Time Inc. remains the same as it has always been: to produce the most compelling, informative, influential, and entertaining journalism for hundreds of millions of readers around the world. That is what has gotten us this far, and that is what will ensure our future success.

So let's focus on two things right now: making great magazines and websites; and supporting our colleagues who are leaving in the most grateful, respectful and sensitive ways that we can.

Thank you for all that you do.

J. H.


January 18, 2007

To: Time Inc. Staff

From: Ann Moore

Re: Staff Announcement

As you all know, the past year has been a time of transition at Time Inc. While we continue to invest in our core magazines, we are also focused on transforming our workforce and broadening our digital capabilities in order to become a truly multi-platform publisher.

We.ve made a lot of progress. Many of our web sites have matured into strong and popular brand vehicles, while others are relaunching new designs with fresher content. Meanwhile, our magazines continue to be some of the most popular and relevant titles on the newsstand today.

But progress brings change and we need to continue to evolve to meet the cost pressures and challenges presented by our rapidly-shifting industry.

Today I need to share with all of you that we are announcing layoffs throughout the organization.

These layoffs, which are in several business areas and on both the edit and publishing sides of a number of titles, are part of a restructuring necessary to sustain our progress.

You will continue to hear much speculation about our company in the press, so I encourage you to stay focused. I know this is a difficult time for all of us . it.s never easy to see talented colleagues leave.

Difficult times also bring opportunity, and I believe we have enormous potential for innovation and growth. I speak for the entire management team when I say we appreciate your hard work and dedication.

A. M.


TO: SI Edit Staff

FROM: Terry McDonell

DATE: January 18, 2007

The timing is unfortunate; I realize that many of you are out of the office today but this announcement is coordinated with similar announcements at some other Time Inc. magazines.

In recent years SI Edit has successfully complied with budget reductions through operational cost-cutting and expense management, but regrettably the day has come when staff reductions can no longer be avoided. Cost cutting in other areas remains a priority, but streamlining of the SI Edit staff is necessary to reach mandatory 2007 budget targets. In the coming days, as this process is worked out, details on the reorganization of some areas of the edit operation will be announced.

In addition to the elimination of some editorial titles, we need to reduce headcount in the following categories:

Copy Clerk (3)
Edit Assistant (4)
News Desk Assistant (1)
Copy Editor (1) *

Imaging Specialist (1)
Photographer (3)
Writer (6)
Writer-Reporter (1)
Reporter-Researcher (1)
Senior Editor (1)
Photo Editor (1)

In an effort to avoid layoffs wherever possible, we are asking employees from these categories if they wish to volunteer to leave SI with a severance package. You will have until February 1st to volunteer. We will conclude this process over the next two to four weeks.

If you are interested in volunteering or would just like to review your severance pay worksheet to understand what leaving now will mean to you financially, please email xxx and xxx. Your Worksheet will be available for you to personally pick up at HR Reception on 40** (bring your ID) after twenty-four hours.

* We will consider part-time volunteers in this category. A part-time volunteer would reduce their hours and their pay to half of their current hours and salary and they would be entitled to a part-time severance based on a part time salary. As a part-time employee, you will still be eligible for benefits coverage.

**HR is moving, so after January 26, you can pick it up at HR Reception on the 7th floor.

Related: Time Inc. Lays Off More Than 250 [NYT]