As you know, our well-wishes are with Lindsay Lohan, who entered the Wonderland Center rehab clinic yesterday. We respect her privacy during this difficult time. Alas, other media outlets aren't being quite as sensitive as we are. Take the Daily News, for example, which not only splashed Lindsay all over its cover, but used the tattered starlet's film Herbie: Fully Loaded as an excuse to run a mean "Fully Loaded Lindsay Enters Rehab" headline. But that's not all: later in the article, a graph begins:

Lohan's decision to "Get a Clue" comes after months of tabloid stories chronicling her frequent health crises, weight fluctuations and wild exploits on and off the set.

Those of us who weren't teenagers in 2002 might not even remember the Disney Channel movie that Michelle Caruso (with Ben Widdicombe) is punning on here; besides, it seems just plain mean to treat Lindsay like she's a woman of no importance. What a pair of mean girls.

Fully Loaded Lindsay Enters Rehab [NYDN]
Lindsay Lohan [imdb]