Beneath that PMC watermark, meet the Harvard family of party promoter Jennifer Rubell and Daniel Kim, plus daughter Stevie, named for Jennifer's late uncle Steve Rubell (the lord of Studio 54). Check the glow in the couple's profile in Harvard alumni slobbermag 02138:

Rubell, lithe, with wavy dark hair and a wide smile, has an appealingly resonant voice and is equally comfortable discussing a Francis Al s video work and a recipe for naeng myun, Korean cold noodles. Rubell's Korean food impresses even the Korean parents of Daniel Kim, Rubell's boyfriend and the father of her nine-month-old daughter, Stevie ...

How things change. From the Post:

In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Rubell, the author of "Real Life Entertaining," says her live-in love Daniel Kim turned lay-about lout after the birth of their baby daughter, and has been ignoring her pleas to leave her sprawling East Side brownstone and get a job, "preferring to stay in my home and taunt me."

More taunting after the jump.

The filing says Kim has become "verbally abusive" and "repeatedly pressured me to allow him to film and photograph me while we were having sex or . . . in various compromising positions. Daniel's obsession with this bordered on psychotic and he never relented in pressuring me to accede to his deviant fantasies."

Rubell says her fellow Harvard alum "is creating a hostile, tension-filled environment," and is using "psychological warfare against me," including leaving the room whenever she tries to talk to him, "preferring to communicate with me solely by e-mail," her suit says.

"He also recently installed a surveillance camera in my home and has left me a written threat" - a note on top of a mysterious lockbox reading, "You have been warned." ... Meanwhile, Kim, who has his own apartment in Brooklyn, just hangs out in the five-story home on Lexington Avenue near East 29th Street smoking pot.

Mysterious lockbox! Maybe he's just a little paranoid about Rubell raiding his stash.

After Hours with...Jennifer Rubell [02138]