In his introduction to this week's "Inner Peace" package for New York, Editorial Director Hugo Lindgren notes that he "asked 100 friends, acquaintances, and random people whose e-mail addresses I happened to have, "What do you do to achieve inner peace?" Lindgren, whose own route to inner peace comes from ocean-depopulating levels of sushi consumption, doesn't tell the whole story, though: Many of the responses he received and printed in his intro came from actual NYM staffers. Thanks to a friend on the inside, we've matched the quotes to the contributors from whence they came. All is revealed after the jump.

  • Watching Sunrise Earth on Discovery Channel each morning at 7 a.m. on my MONSTER FKING HI DEF TV. Seriously, it's the best show on television. A slowly rising, Hi Def sunset, w.out ANY COMMENTARY, beamed directly into yr shithole little apt, direct from THE GRAND TETONS, or YELLOWSTONE, or the banks of the YANGTZE.
    Jim Cramer
  • If I am stressed during the day, I often sneak out of the office to check out the half-naked male models standing in the doorway of Abercrombie & Fitch.
    Ariel Levy
  • For me—Inner Peace now means anti-anxiety medicine. I have tried therapy—I know I should exercise more, but who has the time?—so drugs are the route.
    John Leonard
  • I unwind by fixing things and single-mindedly learning how to do manual tasks. My car is a favorite subject. I've replaced its timing chain, power-steering pump, radiator. For a while, I got into upholstery, I have recovered a couch and several chairs. I knit 5 scarves then stopped. Lately it's been carpentry, I built a closet then a woodshed. Cooking is another thing; used to be stews, now I've started to bake bread.
    Jesse Oxfeld
  • I'm very sad to report, and I wouldn't report unless you'd promised confidentiality, that the only way I can relax is by ... watching really, really shitty reality television.
    Bruce Wasserstein
  • Running 5 miles, lifting weights, then taking a short break and drinking 2 martinis and smoking 2 cigars.
    Vanessa Grigoriadis
  • Coming up with worthless theme issues.
    Adam Moss
  • Sparking a J and doing the crossword.
    Maura B. Jacobson
  • Give Inner Peace a Chance [NYM]