Sure, you could read Rob Patronite and Robin Raisfeld's 3,460 word article about the travails of Momofuku and Momofuku Ss m Bar owner David Chang in this week's New York ("the plight of the Asian Burrito" indeed! We find it too small, generally). Or you could read our tipster's rather pithier account:

My Ss m Experience:
For what it's worth:
Ss m is right up Second Ave. from my apartment. I went there about three weeks after it opened to get some food after work, and they were very happy to see me. I was the only one in the place. You have to walk down this long aisle towards the back where they serve you, and it's very embarrassing when there's no one else there and the chefs and counter girl are staring at you in anticipation. Just an unsettling experience. I felt on display.

After the jump: but does the ss m satisfy?

Also, they didn't have a sign or a menu, so I said, "I'd like a... umm... ssam," not knowing if that's even what the Asian burrito thing was called. But no one indicated one way or another whether I was right. (To this day I still don't know. But I guess that's my fault.) The counter girl scooped little bits of Asian-spiced meats and condiments into a moo-shu pancake, while some kind of manager hovered over her whispering, "A little less of that next time" or "Give him a little bit more of that." I paid over nine dollars, I believe, for the glorified burrito, but it was tasty and filling. Since then the business does appear to be picking up, and there's signage now.

There you have it: David's ss m is tasty and filling, and we just saved you ten minutes.

The I Chang [NYMag]
Earlier: Revamped Momofuku Ss m Bar: Worth The Wait?