Pharmacy To The Stars No Longer Accepting 'But I'm The King Of Pop!' As A Viable Form Of Payment

Michael Jackson has racked up a considerable bill at Beverly Hills' famous Mickey Fine pharmacy over the years—over $100,000, and that doesn't even include high-end embalming fluid costs. Tired of having Jackson respond to their repeated requests to pay his tab with a faint, high-pitched, "Oh, I'm sorry. My checkbook's in the car. Ill be right back!" moments before the ticka-ticka sound of high heels carried him out the door and away in a speeding limo, the pharmacy is now suing Jackson for monies owed:
The store, which often delivers its wares via motorcycle, alleges they had an oral agreement with Jackson to pay for any prescriptions they filled. The pharmacy claims Jackson made his last payment to them in mid-2005. According to the documents, the pharmacy made "repeated requests for payment." [...]
They are asking for the $101,926.66 they are owed, plus court costs and other relief.
Sadly for Jackson, the days when he could rely on his own celebrity to avoid paying for his medications are long over, and he may soon find himself in the regrettable position of having to sell off his ownership of "A Little Help From My Friends" in order to cover all those years refilling tubes of Albinocycline skin-bleaching topical ointment and bottles of Flintstones PM Chewable Children's Sleep-Aid.