Glaring Literary Power Couple Omission

Yesterday, we asked you to choose your least favorite among the Jonathans, Bens and Davids of the literary world and their lovely writer-spouses. You voted for Jonathan Safran Foer and Nicole Krauss by a pretty substantial margin, spanking runners-up Davendela and Michayelet. Nicole wins a signed copy of the execrable Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and Jonathan will receive a signed copy of the 'we hear it's not bad but we have a deep-seated antipathy towards anything contemporary with 'Love' in the title which always strikes us as a marketing gimmick' The History of Love. The couple will also receive a free lifetime subscription to nonexistent UnderCover magazine as well as the privilege of being henceforth referred to as Jonicole. Unfortunately, we didn't include every lit-scene power pair in our poll; a commenter wrote in Salman and Padma (how could we forget her contribution to the canon, Tangy Tart Hot and Sweet?). But the omission we feel worst about has got to be this one:
Regarding all our uber-jealousies of powerful literary couples, what about Alice Sebold (The Lovely Bones, Lucky, and a forthcoming novel from Little, Brown) and Glen Davis Gold (a novelist and McSweeney's vet)? Admission: I work for Sebold's literary agent, so I'm biased as can be.
We'd never really considered this pair to be annoying before — but who are we to contradict someone who works for Sebold's agent? We'll be reading between the lines of the press she does for her forthcoming dead-child tearjerker for clues now, that's for sure.