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Since interest continues to percolate regarding the anonymous billionaire discussed in Michael Wolff's (no, not that Michael Wolf) Vanity Fair article, here's another round of guesses. When last discussed, we declared a toss-up between Mark Cuban and Barry Diller. Remember, the two key hints are "appropriately larger-than-life character, remarkably fit" and "he knew nothing whatsoever about the newspaper business, or news." After the jump, a few more names get dumped into the mix.

Carl Icahn.

the individual in question is obvs David Geffen. See his recent media coverage regarding possible interest in buying LAT from Chandler family. plus that guy is ripped.

Sounds like Ron Perelman. "appropriately larger-than-life character, remarkably fit" - Perelman is certainly larger-than-life, and this pic from 2004 shows that he's pretty damn fit (at least was then), especially for someone who was 61-years old at the time. "He's probably the leading expert in buying businesses he knows nothing about." - Revlon, Marvel Entertainment, Panavision, Coleman, M&F Worldwide Corp., etc., etc., etc., the list goes on, but the man makes money, so who cares if he knows the business? Cuban is not big on going off-the-record, and he conducts virtually all of his media correspondence via email. He's not a serial acquirer either, and the businesses he's involved now he either started or knows something about. The U.S. newspaper business is probably the last thing Richard Branson cares about. The industry doesn't fit his agenda. Diller knows enough about the media business to know that he doesn't want to be in the newspaper business. At least he should. That's my guess. Btw, where does Michael Wolff live? In New York still? He writes that he "was invited the other day to stop in for an off-the-record visit," so it sounds like someone local if he's living/working out of NYC (Perelman is based here, of course).

What the hell? Cuban is kind-of a lard ass. Larry Ellison seems dangerously obvious here?

Obvious danger is our favorite kind! The points about Cuban and Diller, plus the other names, do muddy the waters a bit. More idle speculation still welcome.

Earlier: Michael Wolff's Mystery Billionaire: Your Guesses