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The Envelope, the LAT's awards blog, scores an interview with Sarah Paulson, the Golden Globe-nominated actress from "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip." Paulson suggests that the show's shitty ratings and poor reception may be a case of too much publicity:

"The engine was running so long on this baby before it ran out of the gate, I think it just overpowered people," she said. "It was like the audience was being held at gunpoint and the message was, 'You better watch the best damn show on television or else.' That's liable to turn anybody off."

You know what else is liable to turn people off? Incredibly self-righteous sermons barely concealed in sub-"Moonlighting" patter. Also Harper's. But, sure, maybe the publicity had something to do with it too.

Finally she gets noticed [The Envelope]

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