New British Debutards A Lot Like Their American Counterparts

Globalization doesn't just apply to goods and services—it's also influenced the development of debutards the world over. Witness this handy list about the defining characteristics of British debutards (like Zara Phillips, daughter of Princess Anne, at right). They sound eerily similar to their American counterparts, leading us to wonder whether the standardization plaguing the lower classes has also, sadly, infected the wealthier among us:
- Education: Mixed boarding school followed by a seasonal stint at Fortnum's, Harrods or General Trading Company, gap-year travel and then History of Art or English at Bristol, Edinburgh or Newcastle Universities.
- First job: At a bank, art gallery or Cond Nast, making use of qualifications and contacts.
- First home: Flat in town or a country cottage in Pradashire with boyfriend.
- Boyfriends: City boys, bankers, entrepreneurs, chaps in property and sportsmen from all backgrounds.
- Style In the country: cashmere sweaters (muted or pastel colours), jeans, designer gilet. In town: jeans (any label stocked by Harvey Nicks), pashmina, heels. Formal: silk sheath dresses and killer heels.
- Hair: Straight, chestnut or honey highlights.
- Jewellery: Long gold necklaces.
- Figure: Stick thin or well-toned.
- Early charity work: Raising money for tsunami victims or children with cancer.
- Favourite meal: Bangers and mash.
- Favourite book: Anything by Jilly Cooper.
- Speech trait: "Cool, yah"; "amazing"; "perfect".
- Other hobbies: Skiing, gastropubs and parties
Sounds like the Tinz & Co. would be right at home in London. Come to think of it, that may be something we want to encourage.