Wentworth Miller Brings Back The Classic Gay Denial

Prodded perhaps by the electric pink tazer zaps of an increasingly emboldened and networked queer gossip community, a trend has emerged in which noted aspiring-astronaut-boy-band-members and male TV personalities have reluctantly emerged from their anal-retentively organized closets. Not Wentworth Miller, however, who in a recent interview with the Australian AP made it clear that there will be no People magazine covers featuring the Prison Break star under bold yellow letters announcing his enthusiastic appreciation of sex with hot men:
"No, I'm not gay," he said.
"I know these rumours are out there ... I'm cool with the fact that they exist, I mean this is about fantasy.
"Certain people are going to have certain fantasies, if someone wants to imagine me with a woman, or a man or one of each that's cool with me as long as you keep watching the show."
We hope the corner office occupants at Fox TV appreciate what they have in Wentworth, whose devotion to drawing viewers to their serialized story of escaped inmates is so great, he's willingly turned his sexuality into a blank canvas upon which one can tattoo his or her own set of personalized, lusty blueprints.