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Today's Daily News has an article reassuring the "straight" men who get a semi whenever they hear our newly sworn-in governor railing against corruption that they're not homos — they just have what's now called a "man-crush." A man-crush differs from a crush-crush in a few important ways, according to one rampantly heterosexual interviewee:

"He seems tough, has a sense of humor but he isn't actually handsome in a way that makes you feel weird or like you have an actual crush on him," says one young Brooklyn man who works in politics, and requested anonymity. "If a man-crush is too attractive, it raises the gay flags that send us straight men bounding for the hills."

Anonymous young Brooklyn man, have you seen the picture above? We can't speak for all heterosexual men, but it raised our gay flag immediately, if you know what we're saying.

New York's Guv Affair [NYDN]

Earlier: Hopefully, On Day One, Everything Changes Into Something Less Revealing