New Year's With The Tinz: Not So Socialistic

While John Mayer and Jessica Simpson were sucking face at Stereo and Britney Spears was fainting in Las Vegas, Tinsley Mortimer, 31, was hosting a party at Japonais restaurant—a party so "exclusive" that it was still being desperately promoted in the days leading up to the event. And according to Socialite Rank, hostess Tinz was so worried about turnout that she was texting her so-called friends right until the day before New Year's, "inspiring polite refusals from top socialites who are safely resting in warm territories at the moment." Apparently only the Tinz's feckless husband Topper and her brother-in-law Peter Davis bothered to show, leaving them to party the night away with a lovely B&T crowd. How very ... populist of them.
Tinsley Rings In the New Year; Gets Paid for Her Efforts [Socialite Rank]
New Year's Eve Hosted by Tinsley Mortimer [Joonbug]
Earlier: 'Post': Tinsley Mortimer, Ardent Socialist