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With all the correction space we're allotted for a single post already devoted to admitting our amnesia about the FCC's jurisdiction for levelling indecency fines in our earlier item about comely, sailor-mouthed MTV microphone holder Vanessa Minnillo's New Year's Eve f-bomb, we're making room here to share a helpful publicist's clarification about our mistaken assumption that the unbleeped expletive was a result of the show's lack of a time-delay:

I just wanted to let you know that MTV was actually on a standard industry 5-second delay for our New Year's Eve show. Unfortunately, due to "human error" we did not catch the Vanessa Minnillo mistake.

[name redacted]
Sr. Publicist

So there you have it: Despite MTV's laudable adherence to the industry-standard delay intended to protect us from exactly such an incident of profane, spontaneous exuberance, "human error" (and in the interest of avoiding further corrections and clarifications, we'll refrain from speculating about the effect of cheap champagne on a censor's dump-button reaction time) still allowed our delicate ears to be sullied by an f-word. We're sure that MTV, as responsible custodians of the trust that cable providers place in them to provide decent programming to their easily scandalized subscribers, are currently exploring ways that the fallible, human element can be eliminated from future semi-live broadcasts in the interest of avoiding such regrettable incidents.