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In this morning's News, Ben Smith reveals

[t]he top-secret plan for Rudy Giuliani's bid for the White House. The remarkably detailed dossier sets out the budgets, schedules and fund-raising plans that will underpin the former New York mayor's presidential campaign - as well as his aides' worries that personal and political baggage could scuttle his run.

There's nothing actually that shocking about what the document lays out — Republican voters might not be thrilled with Giuliani's "liberal" stance on social issues, his being married three times (two wives apparently being the limit for a G.O.P. nominee), his association with super-criminal Bernard Kerik, etc. — what's more surprising is the fact that it leaked out at all; it makes Giuliani look less competent than Jeanine Pirro. More revealing, however, is this response that Smith's report has occasioned from Giuliani supporters:

I have to say that your article goes miles toward identifying yourself as a Giuliani non-supporter...Hopefully, if something comes up in McCain's past, you have the balls to publish that too... And if Giuliani wins the nomination, can we all please kick your ass?

Never were a candidate and his voters more aligned, huh? Fear not, Rudy rallier: Should your man get the nod, we have a feeling that a lot of people will be getting their asses kicked.

Revealed: Rudy's '08 battle plans
Readers Write: Open Threats Edition [NYDN]