Let's Get Debutarded!

Yes, it's that time of year again, and the Sunday Styles section has the photos from the 71st Infirmary Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria a couple weeks ago. As has been documented here and elsewhere, the balls are an opportunity for rich young women to make their "debuts" to society, which in practice means they spend an inordinate amount of money for a WASPy Super Sweet 16-type party, accompanied by their parents and two "escorts." And thus, the debutard cycle continues, churning out a seemingly endless supply of young ladies with nothing but cash and marginal good looks who'll soon grace the society pages of W. We can't wait. Welcome, ladies!
Gowns, Hairspray and the Texas Dip: Debutante Season [NYT]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Debutards