Britney, 'Post' Just Basically Drunk All The Time Now

How was your New Years? If you're anything like Britney Spears, you got so wasted that you had to have your people carry you out of the club again. And if you're anything like the New York Post, you got so wasted that you're currently so hungover that you couldn't even be bothered to reconcile the two conflicting accounts of Spears' collapse on your website. Which is it, 'BOOZY' BRITNEY FAINTS or the AP's contradictory 'Spears Falls Asleep At Vegas Nightclub'? The latter has the maligned Spears "finally . . . acting like a new mom" by dozing off after leading the New Year's Eve countdown at Pure, and quotes manager Larry Rudolph as saying that Spears "was not drunk." The Post's own take is closer to the Daily News's, citing reports from "witnesses" who saw Spears "talking with one of her male dancers on a tented cabana bed when she said she wanted to leave, stood up and "she went into a dead faint and just fell right to the floor."
We're so confused and we don't know who to believe and our head hurts, so you know, thanks for helping us maintain the status quo, Post and Brit. 2007! Wooooo.
'Boozy' Britney Faints [NYPost]
Spears Falls Asleep In Vegas Nightclub [AP via NYPost]
Swoon City For Boozy Britney [NYDN]