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Perhaps you decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow, but we hope that you made no similar resolution about walking in anyone's Versace beaded catsuit: that item, and many more from recovering cracky Whitney Houston's sometime stage set and wardrobe, are being sold in a court ordered auction in Irvington, NJ next Tuesday. (An eagle-eyed tipster pointed us to an ad for the auction in Sunday's Times Job Market section.) While the catsuit may not be up your alley, there must be something in the lots simply designated 'wardrobe' or 'designer hats' that would suit your fancy. And if you're more interested in gear than tiger print sequin skirts, a vintage Hammond organ and a pair of acrylic grand pianos are also on the block. What does Whitney think of the fact that any Tom, Jamal, or Harry can paw through a pile of her gently-worn D&G snap-crotch bustiers? No one knows. But don't feel too bad for the tarnished songbird: remember, no matter what they take from her, they can't take away her dignity.

Whitney Houston's Sound, Wardrobe, Instruments [A.J. Willner Auctions LLC]