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Relatively speaking, that is. Buried in this Los Angeles Times article about the prevalence of Afghan heroin is an interesting nugget, as unpacked here — a gram of pure horse sells for $90 in LA. In other words, "That's about a dime per pure milligram, compared with $2.50 a pure milligram in New York during the 'French Connection' days." Given the alarming cost of pot these days, heroin looks attractive not so much as a gateway drug but more as an economical alternative. The War on Terror's losses may also be hurting the War on Drugs by way of winning the War on Drug Prices. So how about it, junkies — how much are you paying for your smack these days? And just because, let us know the same data for cocaine too. Just for completeness's sake. And send us your guy's number too, on background of course.

Afghan heroin in L.A. and the heroin price collapse [Reality-Based Community via HuffPo]