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We can empathize with anyone being made to sit through a shitstorm of racial comments in the workplace, but sometimes it's a little much, even for us. Maybe Russians are "bad drinkers," and most Hispanics will, in fact, steal your car, but professionals shouldn't have to listen to crap like this in the haughty environs of Bear Stearns.

"He said Mr. Greenberg was just a magician who gave out cheap gifts to all the employees at Christmastime, and said, 'What can you expect from him, he's Jewish?'" Gover charged in his complaint.

We're even willing to overlook the parts about the Jews being "poor tippers" because that's about as offensive as pointing out that "the sun is shining." But an attack on Mayor Bloomberg? That's just goddamned uncalled for.

Bank Boss a Big-Time Bigot, Sez Suit [NYDN]