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  • Mention of famous NYDN headline 'Ford to City: Drop Dead' was glaringly omitted from obit coverage — as was, somewhat less glaringly, mention of Ford's son Steven's small but pivotal role in When Harry Met Sally. [ETP]
  • More news that doesn't bode well for newspapers: McClatchy Co. has sold the Minneapolis Star Tribune to private-equity firm Avista Partners, for less than half of what they paid to acquire it in 1998. Large staff cuts are feared. [WSJ]
  • Advertisers in Hallmark Magazine (?) can stick their logos anywhere they want. [NYT]
  • In the wake of its pilot program's success, Google plans to expand its print newspaper ad sales initiative, though newspapers are still skeptical. [WaPo]
  • A Times correspondent was punched in the face by Pakistani government agents. [FishbowlNY]