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Balk here. Quick note on our schedule next week: As is the case with all Jew-run media enterprises, Gawker will be closed on Monday to celebrate the miracle of baby Jesus' birth. We'll be here for the rest of the week, except for me: I'll be taking an ill-deserved but medically-necessary vacation for the duration of the year. My replacement during that time will be the incredibly capable Rob the Bouncer of Clublife fame. I expect that you'll treat him with the same respect and reverence that I am accorded on a - oh, whatever, just try not to be dicks; he has no clue what he's in for yet and we don't want to scare him off too early. I will see you kids on the other side of the New Year, and if you'll indulge an old man a moment's sincerity, I wish you all happy, safe, and healthy holidays. I will be in a constant state of inebriation myself (oh, how I've missed being able to drink in the mornings), but I'll be thinking about you the whole time. Best, etc.