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It's good to know that there are still people out there who are committed to causes, who aren't afraid to unite in the face of a monolithic, hegemonic power that just wants to keep them down. Iraq, you say? Er, no. Global warming, perhaps? Wrong again. Ah, the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. Surely, that's worth putting yourself on the line for. Well ... wrong again.

No, we're talking about CARE—Commuters Allied for Responsible Enjoyment. That's the new organization dedicated to challenging the MTA's proposed ban on alcohol on the Long Island Railroad:

Kevin Pearce, a Metro-North rider and founding member of CARE, said the concept of [MTA board member Mitchell] Pally's prohibition is patronizing and insulting.

"I'm not a child," Pearce, an editor at a cable television network, said. "I'm not the frat-house rush chairman. I'm an ordinary taxpaying commuter who is a calm, peaceful person, just like 99.9% of people on the train."

At least these people know a good cause when they see one. Cheers!

Hands Off Our Booze, Riders Rail [NYDN via Eater]